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Dec 06, 19 · Newest Wagic release available for PSP/PSVita, Android, Windows and Linux now supporting more than 19,800 cards This Wagic version finally supports the Commander Format including Command Zone and Sideboard Zone directly accessible from 2 dedicated buttons on the battlefield (they are on the right side of the Exile Zone button)Wagic, the homebrew, is a C game engine that allows to play card games against an AI on Android (phones and tablets), the Sony PSP, Windows, Linux, Maemo, Meego, iOS (iPhone/iPad) and MacOS It is highly customizable and allows the player to tweak the rules / create their own cards, their own themes, etcWagic is a homebrew program for modded PSPs It allows you to pl I couldn't find any good video reviews for Wagic so I thought, what the hell, I'll make one! Github Wagicproject Wagic Wagic The Homebrew Wagic the homebrew 日本語化

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